Abstract should not exceed 300 words with at least 3 keywords.
Format For Paper Submissions.
Please, submit your full papers in Microsoft WORD format.
Length limit: approximately 10 pages, including abstract, diagrams tables and references
The first page should contain in the following order:The beginning of the paper with the instruction
- – Title : (the title of the paper appears in a large font on top of the first page)
- – Name(s) : (the authors of the paper are listed right below the title on a separate line)
- – Institutional affiliation(s)
- – Abstract
- – Keywords
- – “References” or “Bibliography” at the end
- – The final section will be the references in APA style
Please use this email address: icitm@kuis.edu.my to submit your full paper.
Please download the IC-ITM 2016_Sample_Paper_Format
For reference format, please view APA referencing format.
Please note that the forms above are set for “A4″ size. If you are using any other size as your default option, please make necessary changes before printing them.
Author may send more than 1 paper (presented by the same author). However, additional paper is chargeable at RM450 (USD150) per paper. No limit for papers per participant as long as additional papers are paid.
Please take note that:
- The conference abstract book will be finalized SEVEN (7) days before the conference. Any conference paper submitted after the above date will not have its abstract included in the abstract book.
- The conference presentation schedule will be finalized THREE (3) days before the conference. Any conference paper submitted after the above date will only have its presentation time published on the conference website.
- The conference organist does not promise for the abstract of any presentation confirmed on the first day of the conference to be published on the conference website soon.
- Any conference presentation and/or attendance confirmed on the day of the conference will be entertained on seat availability basis. The conference organizer has the right to deny any request for presentation time from such conference presenter.
- This policy will be strictly followed by the conference organizer.