E-payment System

What is an E-payment? An E-payment system is a way of making transactions or paying for goods and services through…

Hasnah Wati Yanto

Hestia WordPress template

This tutorial is to setup Hestia as the Wordpress template, and tweaking some configurations. Go to the Wordpress wp-admin panel.…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

Build a WordPress page using Elementor

Elementor is a popular WordPress plugins to build beautiful wordpress page. Unlock all themes and WooCommerce block by registering Pro…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

WordPress important settings

The tutorial will explain few issues regarding WordPress settings that are available in the WP-ADMIN dashboard panel; General settings, Reading…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

Installing WordPress through Softaculous in Shared Hosting

We are currently using shared-hosting as the web server. Entering the web hosting through CPanel, and will be installing WordPress…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

Installing WooCommerce in WordPress

In the Wordpress admin dashboard, click the panel Add New Plugins. Search for WooCommerce, and click Install Now. Once finished…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman

Adakah Bahaya Deep web??

Kawan-kawan selama ini kita seringkali dengar yang dark web itu bahaya dan menakutkan. Selepas korang baca ini mesti nak tahu…

Aiman Asyraf Nadzri


Melayari internet, menggunakan email ataupun bermain game adalah antara perkara yang pasti pernah dibuat oleh masyarakat sekarang. Ada juga diantara…


Bahaya icon shortcut

KLINIK PENDRIVE: Manusia, kebanyakannya ada sifat ingin tahu dan ingin mencuba. Tapi sekiranya selepas cucuk pendrive kat laptop atau pc,…

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman