Acquiring BillPlz account
BillPlz is a startup in Malaysia providing third party online payment solutions that integrates local Malaysia online banking and also credit card and e-wallet. Register yourself at – should you only trying to access the dummy sandbox you could do so. However if you are doing serious online business, registering your company is a mandatory according to Company Act of Malaysia.
After finished registering to BillPlz, create a new Collection from the Payment Form tab. When finished setting up a new Collection you could get these items;
- Collection ID,
- the API key and the
- X signature key. These three items is important to be embedded in the BillPlz wordpress plugin.
Create a new collection in BillPlz form payment
Install and set BillPlz wordpress plugin
The BillPlz plugin will be integrated in WooCommerce – if you have not installed WooCommerce read this tutorial (Installing WooCommerce in WordPress )
In WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins tab. Add new plugin and search BillPlz. Install the Billplz plugins and activate.
Installing Billplz plugin for WooCommerce
Go to the BillPlz plugin settings (under the tab Plugins).
Go to BillPlz settings
Enable the BillPlz payment method, provide the API Secret Key and Collection ID.
Enable BillPlz in Woocommerce – provide API Secret Key and Collection ID
Scroll down and provide the BillPlz X Signature Key. Scroll to the bottom and click “Save Changes”.
Provide BillPlz X Signature Key and enable bill notification thru email
Now test your check-out page, you will see the PAY WITH BILLPLZ button.
Checkout with BillPlz option button
KHIRULNIZAM ABD RAHMAN, Department of Computer Science, FSTM KUIS.
He is a certified HRDF Trainer – specializing in client-side and back-end web based system development since 2000. His main programming language ingterests are Java, Android, PHP, Laravel JSON, MySQL, and currently Flutter.
Among short-courses he conducted are;
His personal blog is at . You could email him at , or Whatsapp: