Installing WordPress through Softaculous in Shared Hosting

Wordpress in Softaculous

Wordpress in Softaculous

We are currently using shared-hosting as the web server. Entering the web hosting through CPanel, and will be installing WordPress through Softaculous apps installer.

Installing WordPress thru CPanel

Installing WordPress thru CPanel

Find and run Softaculous

Find and run Softaculous

Find and run Softaculous


Find and install WordPress in Softaculous.

Find and install WordPress in Softaculous

Provide basic website information; folder, site name, admin email & password. Then hit “Quick Install”.

Provide site info and admin password – then Install

After finish installation, find the URL and enter the WP-ADMIN panel by providing the admin username and password. Configuring the WordPress will be available in the next tutorials.

>> Next tutorials: WordPress important settings.

WordPress installation test the WP-ADMIN panel

> Next tutorials: WordPress important settings.


KHIRULNIZAM ABD RAHMAN, Department of Computer Science, FSTM KUIS.

He is a certified HRDF Trainer – specializing in client-side and back-end web based system development since 2000. His main programming language ingterests are Java, Android, PHP, Laravel JSON, MySQL, and currently Flutter.

Among short-courses he conducted are;

  1. Android Studio
  2. Web Development using PHP&MySQL
  3. Web-based System development using Laravel framework 

His personal blog is at . You could email him at , or Whatsapp:

Khirulnizam Abd Rahman: Sila hubungi kami di atau WhatsApp 0129034614

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