This course is a theoretical and hands on course about Metaverse, a platform that makes
it easy to create Augmented Reality (AR) and Interactive Experiences.
• Augmented Reality Geeks
• Anyone who wants to Know what is Augmented Reality
• Anyone who wants to start playing with Augmented Reality at home without advance equipment
- Introduction & Getting Started
a. Introduction of course & Taaruf Session
b. Overview of Augmented Reality
c. How Augmented Reality Work
d. Types of Augmented Reality
e. Examples of Augmented Reality: A Merge Cube - Create AR Cube At Home
a. Prepare Merge Cube
b. Downloading the Apps and Playing in Augmented Reality - Creating Your Augmented Reality Experience with Metaverse
a. Introduction to Metaverse (what & Why)
b. Examples of project from Metaverse
c. Register Multiverse and metaverse apps installation (for experience view)
d. Introduction to Multiverse Interface (Studio Basic)
i. Dashboard Page
ii. Experience Storyboard
iii. Publishing Experience
e. Detail Process in Metaverse
i. Character scenes
ii. Text Input Scenes
iii. AR Portals & 360 scenes
iv. Media Walls
v. Poll Scenes
vi. Using Digital Items
vii. Webview Scenes
viii. Camera Scenes & Camera Frames)
ix. Youtube Scenes
x. Probability Blocks
xi. Create a Leaderboard
xii. Property Blocks
xiii. Google Vision Blocks
xiv. Timer controls
xv. Adding a gps location - Creating Your Augmented Reality Experience with Metaverse – continue
a. Create a Multiple Choice Question (Simple Trivia)
b. Create a free response Question
c. Create a Selfie Photo wall
d. Create a AR Portal

Nur Muizz Mohamed Salleh
Metaverse Trainer

Interested contact Muizz
Unity3D and Vuforia
- Vuforia Engine in Unity
- About Vuforia Engine
- Installing Vuforia Engine
- Create a new Unity project
- Vuforia Engine Game Objects
- Activate Vuforia Engine in your project
- Accessing Vuforia Engine features in Unity
- Add Targets to your scene
- Adding digital assets
- Playing the scene
- Building and running your app
- Publish APK for Android phone
Unity3d dan Vuforia bina apps augmented reality bersama Amilia 1 Unity3d dan Vuforia bina apps augmented reality bersama Amilia
Interested contact Muizz 0189899072
Unity3D and Vuforia
Interested contact Muizz